Spielplan 2022/2023 «The Wave» – Morton Rhue

Produktion: American Drama Group Europe
Regie: Paul Stebbings
Musikalische Leitung: John Kenney

Morton Rhues THE WAVE has become classic literature ­throughout central Europe. It is based on a true story in an American high school in 1969 in which a teacher through an experiment attempted to demonstrate firsthand to the pupils how the institution of fascism became so popular in the III-Reich. The pupils were forced to dress in a certain way, ­address him by his last name, come punctually to class every day and to feel part of a group of equals. The former outcasts soon felt integrated into the organization. The pupils were also encouraged to recruit members of other classes into the group — known as THE WAVE — and soon the ­whole school became involved. Within one short week, the experiment had gotten out of hand and had to be terminated.

This theatre production wishes to show that fascism is an evil that can and does raise its ugly head anywhere in the world. Our presentation is entertaining, serious and thought provoking. This production is action packed and interwoven with live music sung and performed by the actors. Through constant movement and theatrical extras, the production becomes itself A WAVE with never a dull moment.


Di, 14. Februar 2023
19:30 Uhr

Freier Verkauf

Dauer: ca. 2 Std. inkl. Pause



Regulär 40.– / 34.–*
Ermässigt 20.– / 17.–*
*reduzierte Preise in Gruppen ab 10 Personen, nur buchbar im Sekretariat von Musik & Theater


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